Wow, one month is a long time to be away!
One of the most true things I've heard all year: "AP means advanced procrastinator." I know those of you who saw me studying my euro flash cards at every opportune moment and reading my AP book wherever possible are probably guffawing at this statement. I would just like to say that I felt like I could have studied more, but that's just me :)
The TA in my health class stinks of drugs. Gross.
TODAY IS PROM. Not that I'm going or anything. However, I will be major prom photo creeping on Sunday! Admit it, you do it too.
A major accomplishment occured on Wednesday night. I semi-conquered my fear of spiders. I was able to be in the same room as a spider and not run out screaming. In fact, I even captured the spider in a bottle! I was pretty proud of myself.
Two movies I must see: Something Borrowed and Thor
I know this happened a while ago, but since I have been MIA for a month or so, I thought I would talk about it anyway. I totally loved the Royal Wedding. Everything about it was simply perfect. Her dress, the kiss, you name it. But we all know who I really had my eye on. That's right, Prince Harry. He is just too cute. *Sigh* But here's the real news. Apparently he is thinking of tying the knot with long time on-again-off-again girlfriend Chelsy Davy. Though I'm heartbroken, I'm very happy for them.
I really like grocery shopping. It's very relaxing.
I am in love with the Script's album "Science & Faith".
I have successfuly discovered the best Vegan snack ever. At lunch, go to the ala carte line and ask for the Chocolate Mint Sweet Crisps. They are the best thing ever invented for vegans. Seriously.
I'm really tired of school. I'm partially already mentally checked out.
Okay so this week's playlist is not a screenshot of my iTunes. Shocking, I know.
Instead, it's a screenshot of my youtube account. Haha, yes it's still a screenshot because I'm obsessed with taking pictures of my laptop. The songs are all really good, so make sure to listen to them!
Well that's all I have to say for now.
Byee! :)
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