Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Blog! (Sort Of)

Hello everyone!

I'm happy to announce that I now have a more mature email address and that A Cappella is changing locations!

A Cappella can now be found under the name of 'Postcards From Far Away' at

The reason for the change in location is related to the email change. Since I'm kind of abandoning my old email, I feel too lazy to sign in to blogger separately while I'm signed in to my new email. So the change in location is also because of my chronic case of laziness. This being said, it's the same blog and I would love if you guys could take the time and follow my blog at its new location!

Thanks for being so loyal and I hope to see you all following the 'new' blog :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Last Weekend

School starts on Tuesday, and I'm not at all ready to give up summer. I'm going to miss the sleeping in, the relaxed breakfasts, the laid-back attitude, and the days of pure fun. I'm going to miss watching movies during the day because I just feel like it, and I'm definitely going to miss soaking up the sun and the beautiful weather that is soon to disappear.

Speaking of summer habits, ever since I came back from Europe, I've developed a bad habit of eating nutella out of the jar. My mom gets quite flabbergasted with me and my sister thinks I'm a caveman.

To make the most of this last weekend, I've been doing my heavily procrastinated APUSH summer homework and studying for the ACT that's coming up next weekend. Ideal, right? Don't worry, that's not all I did. I also went to the state fair! Yes, I'm not joking when I say that I have never been before. For some reason, we were always busy during that time of summer. Anyway, I enjoyed myself thoroughly. The food was amazing and I can definitely see myself going back next year. My favorite food was probably the island noodles from the International Bazaar.

I just realized that I still have to buy candy for my Link care packages. Whoops, totally forgot about that.

I am obsessed with Florence + The Machine. Her second album is coming out in November, and I literally can't wait. You'll be seeing her in the spotlight section soon enough.

Actually, I've been obsessed with British artists in general. Adele, Florence, Mumford and Sons, and The XX have been constantly circulating on my iPod for this last month. Maybe that will be the next mixtape...

That reminds me, I'm thinking of doing away with the 'Mixtapes' tab and re-incorporating the playlists into my posts, the way they used to be. Opinions?

I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer as much as me,

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nothing To Lose

I have reconciled with myself, with not being in Chamber Orchestra. I don't need to judge myself based on my accomplishments or my failures. I can just... be. I can just take each day as it comes, and accept that I can't be perfect. It's a work in progress, but I feel free. Free from that monkey on my back.

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