Yesterday I watched the best tragic love story movie ever. No, I am not exaggerating. I'm not usually convinced by tragic love stories like The Titanic or even Romeo and Juliet, but at the end of this movie I was sobbing. It might be the most cute, charming, sad, and tragic love story movie out there. It's called Love Story (original, I know) and it came out in 1970. To be honest, I wasn't very enthusiastic when I popped it into the DVD player, but it was AMAZING. Ryan O'Neal (who looks super yummy in the movie) and Ali MacGraw have done a really good job and I hope everyone loves it as much as I do.
Erika: "I wouldn't want one [a country accent], that brings your IQ down by how many points?"
Erika: "And all the black people were like daang! what happened girl?"Erika (while referring to Reese Witherspoon): "I have her chin."
All this snow that we're getting is starting to worry me. We've already had two major snowstorms within a matter of three weeks and we just got another 2 inches today. When the snow melts in the spring, we are going to have some major flooding.
I have never liked Scarlett Johansson. She's always bothered me and like always, my vibes didn't fail me. She's the one who broke Ryan Reynolds' heart, not vice versa! (This is the part where I'm thinking 'I told you so'. )
Okay so there's no playlist this week, simply because I was too lazy and have been listening to the Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas CD. Don't make fun of me, the songs are cute! However, I am thinking about posting a music video everytime I don't have a playlist. Credit goes to Amy Leininger for showing me this, I absolutely love it.
On Monday night, I was passing our bathroom and I heard my sister singing (Yes, she does sing in the shower. She's ten years old, give her a break) probably the best Christmas song I've heard in a while. It was actually so funny that I later asked her to sing an encore for me! However, what was even funnier was her asking me to post the song on my blog so that she would maybe get famous. So here I am, writing out my sister's Christmas song. Enjoy!
Deck the halls with poison ivy
Fa la la la la, la la la la
'Tis the season to be naughty
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Break a window, pop a tire
Fa la la, la la la, la la la
Set the Christmas tree on fire
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Happy Holidays everyone! :)